Cattle/Dairy Feed
Livestock is the most important resource of protein and also considered one of economic pillars that ensure welfare and well living.
Consequently, Feeding of animals and cows in particular should be taken into consideration not only in their early ages but also in maturity.

Cattle/Dairy Feed
- Calf Starter
- Heifer Builder
- Close-up Foundation
- Milk Maker Plus
- Dry Cow Foundation
Here in prime feed will help you to present the following tackles some guidelines for cows feeding in every stage of life for successful management.

Calf Starter
The proper nutrition is the most important factor of healthy growth for human being. The same applies for cows, which require an animal nutrition program since birth for successful rising. Therefore, the Calf Starter plays a prominent role in feeding the calf after milk–feeding period starting after birth. Thus, it shall contain the useful and necessary ingredients for building their bodies during the weaning phase. The weaning system starts gradually by offering the calf starter three days after birth. The raiser shall provide calves with a handful of calf starter in a bucket, and then increase such amount as the calves grow.
Heifer Builder
The term “Heifer” refers to any immature female cattle that have not yet born calves. Once a heifer has a calf, she becomes a cow. Dairy heifers need large expense borne by raiser including feed, buildings and labor for successful management. Hence, feeding represents the largest cost related to heifer production and the efficient feed is the main key of increasing productive and best quality heifer. The feeding balanced is always important for dairy heifers, which is represented in mixture of forage and grain. Moreover, nutrients should combine protein, high vitamins and mineral levels, with high energy supplement. All of these nutrients shall be given in the proper rates consistent with the age of heifer, since the precision feeding has greater impact on the efficiency of nutrient utilization.

Dry Cow Management
It is referred to the cow whose milk production ceases before calving as "Dry Cow" and this dry period is part of lactation cycle, and also lasts between 40 and 65 days. Dry period of dairy cow should be considered an important stage of lactation cycle. In the first 3 weeks after drying off, cows may suffer from mastitis in addition to physiological changes and bacteria exposure from the environment. The risk of infection is higher in this time. Dry cow therapy can clear up an estimated 70 to 98% of existing infections and helps prevent new infections, and this method can prevent mastitis. Therefore, good nutrition helps to proper disease prevention of cow at this time & can ensure good health, milk production, and reproductive performance after calving.
Milk Maker Plus
Milk maker is high energy supplementary feed for unwanted dairy calves. During the first 3 days, the calf should receive adequate quantity of colostrum containing antibodies required for calves in early ages. Starting the fourth day, the milk maker shall be introduced gradually with increasing the amount of feed given, to about 300g / head / day, before weaning. Then, the raiser shall start weaning by reducing the amount of milk and increasing the milk maker amount along with good quality grassy hay or pasture and continue to do so till 3 months of age.